Create with no boundaries

Air Blow is the most immersive AW LAB’s treasure hunt in AR designed by IQUII where people can experience a whole new way to live their Air Max passion


Schermate Aw Lab app

Challenge results

Icona bolle

2,34 MIL

bubbles caught

Icona lista

792 K

answer to quizzes

Icona reward

73,4 K

items collected

Icona utenti

5,8 K

users who flew once

New superpowers to experience unforgettable moments

Icona persona che soffia
Collecting air

Bubbles are a powerful tool to face the challenge: a breath of air on the smartphone is the ticket for an amazing journey.

Icona lente di ingrandimento
Uncovering clues

The hunt is open: several mysterious items are hidden under the Nike’s keys on the map. Are they too far? Teleportation is the way!

Icona testo
Answering to quizzes

A real Air Max fan takes care not to be taken by surprise. He tests his knowledge answering to quizzes and filling his bag at every right answer.

Icona trofeo
Climbing the ranking

Rising up the ranking has never been so fun: the item collected and a full bag are a way paved through incredible prizes.

Air Blow is the first airmented reality which provides a memorable brand experience

Schermata iniziale app AwLab

Physical and digital experiences in an new immersive model.

A strong relationship with the brand

A new worth experience which is different from the purchase moment.

Prizes in limited editions

The chance to win exclusive sneakers.

Schermate app AwLab con mappa interattiva

Interactive maps in airmented reality

The brand is the protagonist of a hybrid reality, both physical and digital. It is set in an engagement model which requires the use of mind and body. Every user follows the map to catch digital items which are spread into the physical environment of his home or city.

Schermate app AwLab - Interazione con soffio

An air boost to fly far away

The interaction the AW LAB’s brand and its customers is not confined to the purchase moment: thanks to Air Blow the retail experience is engaging and the storytelling becomes story doing. Every user is the active protagonist of the relationship with the brand in a game where blowing by using the smartphone is a winning feature.

Schermate app AwLab - Reward

Beyond the limits of reality

An immersive experience which brings the activity of brand engagement to the next level by testing and involving the user through interactive gaming mechanics thanks to the integration of creativity, technology and strategy.

A whole new world is waiting to be explored

Immagine con bolle

27,2 MIL is today’s maximum score!

The loyalty experience overcomes the limits of creativity with AW LAB and IQUII

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